Thursday, June 16, 2005

Books...Even though I wasn't tagged.

OK I didn't get tagged by anybody but I love stuff like this.

How Many Books Do I Own?
I would guess around 100 - 150

Last Books I Bought?
"The Poisonwood Bible" by Barbara Kingsolver.
"Dracula" by Bram Stoker
I can't remember anymore.... that's lame!

Last Books I Read?
"The Da Vinci Code" Dan Brown - I found this one quite intriguing
"Dracula" Bram Stoker - I swear I could feel dracula watching as I read this one - an excellent read!
"Congo" Michael Crichton - An excellent researcher, I was astounded by his knowledge and impressed by his writing syle.

5 Books that Meant Alot to Me
1. Poetry From the Garden - A collection of Art and Poetry with Biblical conotations and inspirations.
2. A Little Princess - Fraces Hodgson Burnett. Call me an old-fashioned nerd, but a story of unfailing hope and triumph.
3. The Bean Trees - Barbara Kingsolver. One of my first "non-christian authored" novels that wasn't school curriculum. I fell in love with it.
4. Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms - This meant that I could get through my first year of college, and understand Matt and Chuck.
5. My Utmost for His Highest - Oswald Chambers. Even though I don't agree with a bunch of what he says, it was a devotional that I could actually read each day, and it made me think and challenge my predestined ideas.

Honorable Mentions:
Mere Christianity - C.S. Lewis (At least what I've read so far)
Lord of the Rings Trilogy and The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkein. Two reasons - 1) I never thought I'd actually make it through this series. 2) It reminds me of my dad.
Bridget Jones' diary - Helen Feilding. It gave me a genuine laugh, now I can laugh like a British person!

OK This wasn't on the original thing... but it should have been.

5 Books on my Wish To Read list.
1: Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister - Gregory Maguire. It looks quite amusing!
2: A Generous Orthodoxy - can't remember who wrote it, but for obvious reasons, it's on the list.
3: Philosophy by Keirkegard (sp?) but I can't afford it right now.
4: The Memiors of Marcus Aurelious (I've started but haven't finished yet)
5: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince - July ERIKA!!!! Less than a month!! Yes!

OK That was fun, even though I cheated and wasn't actually tagged (Thanks Matt, Thanks for not picking me) I will start my own. I tag Amanda, Erika and Maximus! (I couldn't think of any other girls, so HA!)


Blogger Amanda said...

Payback will be swift and sweet

3:21 PM  
Blogger Matt Thompson said...

Umm... actually, Max is a boy...

4:56 PM  

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