Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Title Block

Kinda like writers block, but only pertaining to titles.
Guess what? I'm not going to whine about weddings or showers or anything like that!! I may whine a little bit about my car which needs to get the front axle replaced, after just having the tail pipe replaced....geez one at a time.
I was reading Chuck's blog today and he was discussing the fire at the church on Friday that Jorgan and Leann were getting married in, and it just surprised me that I was about 2 blocks away from that church when the explosion when off, and I was wondering what happened, little did I know that Leann and friends were actually in that building...hmmm... coincidences are crazy.
So they say it's going to rain tonight, and it's not that I doubt the incredibly accurate weather people, but as I sit and look at the blue sky and fluffy clouds (slightly tainted by the fact that I'm inside the office) it's hard to see the rain.
It smelled so good outside yesterday evening. I was standing outside waiting to meet Lisa in front of my house just breathing in the smells of wet grass and moistened soil, and I just wanted to go away. I wanted to be camping and hiking and playing frisbee. Why is it that I feel like I need a vacation every couple weeks? I think it's because I want to accomplish so much and I do nothing when I work other than go home and "relax" (my personal favorite euphemism for being lazy). I suppose I will shake things up enough when we go to Vancouver.
Anyone else going to see Star Wars this weekend? We are actually putting aside our "have to be there opening night" compulsions and waiting until Sunday. I think the desire to not get mauled by a pretened Darth Maul is outweighing the desire to see it immediately. I mean, we get the jist of what's gonna happen. Anniken and Padme get married, Obi Wan Kenobe comes out of the closet and Yoda confesses that his mother was acutally a tree frog. Please resist the urge to correct all my mispellings, I realize it's an insult to the force but I have a boyfriend and plans every Friday night so I don't actually have time to check the official Star Wars dictionary on how to spell Jaba the Hut. (ouch where did that viciousness come from? I scare myself sometimes)
Derek and I watched "Closer" the other night. I have to say I was really impressed with the scripting and direction. The dialogue was very witty and it was't let down by the direction, they seemed go hand in hand. It definately leaves you thinking.
Must go...Lunch is nigh.


Blogger Erika said...

Hey, dude!

Did you know that Star Wars 3 is coming out on our anniversary? Chuck was joking about going opening night - but tickets were sold out. Just as well.

Hope to see you soon!

2:52 PM  
Blogger Chuck said...

All you need to do is check out Darth Vader's blog to get the skinny on the whole universe. I know there is a raging Star Wars nerd in there somewhere. Let out the inner nerd!!!

8:12 PM  

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