Thursday, May 26, 2005


*Thank you to all of you who support me with your comments and your phone calls and your love, I cannot tell you how much it means*

So they announced on the radio that Brad Pitt is coming to Edmonton to film a movie. This I already knew. Lets be serious - it's Brad Pitt - I make it my business to know. I'd like to think that you could measure a person by how they react to a celebrity, however knowing that I would fail this test miserably, I hope nobody actually does judge me on that fact. By the way, I'm planning a pilgrimage to every Starbucks that's close to the Hotel McDonald for a 2 month period while he is staying here..... just kidding. However, he is on my top five list, so I am allowed to look. Ask Derek, he'll confirm this.

****Subject Change

Part of my job is answering the phones, which I don't mind too much. There are always things that are frustrating when answering the phones at an office, such as people not telling you they're on vacation, or someone who puts their phone on do not disturb and gets lots of persistant callers who want to hold for them. However, on a given day I can handle most of these things. The thing that I can't handle is being a human caller ID. I hate lying. I hate lying for someone else even more than I hate lying for myself (I don't know what that says about me, but whatever). When somebody comes up to me and says "Rachel, if George Myarchnemesis phones, it is IMPERATIVE that you tell him that I'm not here, because he's my ex and I don't want to talk to him"

First of all I will forget their name AS SOON as you have finished saying it.
Second, I have a job to do, and it does not entail asking who every single caller that comes through our office is.
Third, you have a job to do, and part of it is picking up your phone. You don't want to deal with your personal life at work? Then don't give out your work number.
I realize that I sound pretty calloused (in lieu of another word) but there is only so much I can remember and the names of somebody's ex or that annoying sales guy is just not going to fit in my brain. The sermon on Sunday left me with a phrase. "I am limited, therefore I must live within my limits" I've decided that this is going to be one of them.
On that topic of limits, it's almost comforting to know that we are limited. We are not designed to achieve the unimaginable, that is for God. Once we can admit that we are limited it allows us to realize that He is limitLESS... and that is something. We spend so much time thinking that if we work harder or press on longer we will be able to conquer anything. It's not true, and I find solace in the fact that I can give those unfathomable cares to The One who is limitless, and has the ability to use that power without abusing it. Though it may not always fall into my frame of reference, and I don't understand the why's and especially the when's, I can fully trust in His power, because I am limited and He is not. Even if I wasn't ok with this, I wouldn't have much of a choice. So I embrace my limits, and bow down to His lack of.


Blogger Erika said...

Hey, Rach.

Wow - that last bit was super deep. I had to read the bit about limits three times before I could wrap my head around it. Of course, that could be because the tar fumes at the office are getting to me. :)

But really, it made me think. Thanks for sharing.


11:32 AM  
Blogger Chuck said...

Teehee...tar fumes...teehee. Uh, yeah, okay so they can't always be deep comments.

11:38 AM  

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