Monday, June 13, 2005

A Quiet Day

It's raining. Bad for the allergies, but good for the soul I think. I like the rain because it always seems to allow me to have a quiet day. Everyone says it's gloomy, and I suppose it is, but I like the peaceful silence it brings, the grayness of it is calming to me. I like the rain.

The singing went fairly smooth, it's done, which also contributes to the quietness of my soul I'm sure. :-) Thanks Chuck and Erika, and of course Derek, for coming out and supporting me. I definately focused on that, Erika I LOVED watching you groove in the pew. But now it's done and I can relax until the next stretching experience comes my way.

So I sit, sniffling and rubbing my eyes, but it's worth it for the rain. I don't have anything philosophical today, it's my quiet day. I wasted all my philosophy and theology yesterday (and by wasted I mean enjoyed a lovely conversation over the burger with an egg). So instead of reading my long thoughts and drawn out conclusions, go listen to the rain, and have a quiet day.

It's necessary.


Blogger Chuck said...

A burger with an egg on it? That sounds like the most disgusting thing ever!

12:32 PM  
Blogger Rach said...

Yeah somehow I managed to choke it down, fortunately I had lots of fruity lemonade to wash the taste away with.... but beware of that egg.... it leaks.

12:34 PM  
Blogger Amanda said...

You're lucky it's quiet. On rainy days, my phone rings constantly. My theory is because we have a lot of blue collar guys as clients, they can't go out and work on rainy days, therefore there is nothing for them to do but call and check on the status of everything.

2:33 PM  
Blogger Amanda said...

Hey, me again. Just wanted to see if you wanted to get together at the beginning of the week. We can joke about Matt's book release.

7:28 AM  

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