Thursday, October 11, 2007

Unsweet Dreams

So imagine for a moment that you are being escorted by a plain-faced man with a surprisingly strong grip to a room. Once the man opens the door and thrusts you in the room, you start to feel a slight sense of panic. The walls are a decrepit mauve colour, and the room is very small. The man with the firm grip makes sure you are fully inside and leaves, closing the door behind him. As soon as he does so, the door disappears and you are in the room alone.
As you look around you see that the room is square shaped and not quite wide enough for you to spread out your arms without touching the hideous walls. You also notice, alarmingly, that there is not only no door but also no windows or ceiling vent. You are trapped.
As you stand there pondering your exit strategy your sense of panic is rapidly increasing. You touch the wall where the door disappeared moments ago but only feel it pushing back against your hand, cold, almost rubbery. You feel your way around each wall with the same sensation. You speak. "Hello?" but your voice sounds empty and far away. Now you're really beginning to freak out. You begin to kick at the walls. Nothing. They almost seem to indent and bounce back with each kick. You push the wall as far as you can. It makes a hand shaped imprint which immediately springs back when you remove your hand. This goes on for some time when the panic becomes overwhelming (did I mention you're claustrophobic to begin with?).
You begin to scream, at the top of your lungs, but with each new scream your voice becomes quieter and quieter until you cannot even hear yourself. You are trapped. There is no escape, no one to hear you, you cannot even hear yourself.

Then you wake up.

So this dream is the reason I couldn't sleep the other night. I think it's fairly obvious what it represents on a base level, but I'm wondering what specifically in my life would entreat such a nightmare to interrupt my usual fire-and-brimstone-cannot-wake-me routine. It took me a while to recover from this one, and I can still vividly feel what I felt in that room even though it was a few nights ago. Similar experiences?


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