Side of Baby Kittens...
Speaking of baby kittens (and in a veiled attempt to honour my previous promise) my joint-custody cat, of which I am the cool dad that takes her to the movies on the weekend, has gone and got herself knocked up. We recently adopted her off of Craigslist and were told she was just under a year old and had been found outside. We took her in and got her settled and took her to the vet to get her shots updated and make an appointment to satiate Bob Barker's incessant Price is Right tag-line. At this point we were informed that she has at least two kittens on the way, and a good chance for more.
What I am attempting to get at is that we will soon have kittens who need homes. I am not able to keep one at my place for longer than a weekend, and the two mommies already have two cats that can barely co-exist with each other. So if you would like a kitten, please let me know. If I get more interest than I anticipate I will happily accept bribes in the form of cold hard cash, movie passes, or season's tickets to the Oilers (I know, I know). I would prefer to find homes independent from the SPCA if possible.
If you are planning to go out to a restuarant in the next decade, do me this small courtesy and allow your server to finish greeting you in whatever fashion their establishment demands before you blurt out your drink order without so much as a hello. We understand you are thirsty, but social niceties do still apply. Just remember, spit may be tasteless but it is still ooky. You may hold the tip, but we hold the power. Evil Laugh.
Ok, I feel better.
What I am attempting to get at is that we will soon have kittens who need homes. I am not able to keep one at my place for longer than a weekend, and the two mommies already have two cats that can barely co-exist with each other. So if you would like a kitten, please let me know. If I get more interest than I anticipate I will happily accept bribes in the form of cold hard cash, movie passes, or season's tickets to the Oilers (I know, I know). I would prefer to find homes independent from the SPCA if possible.
If you are planning to go out to a restuarant in the next decade, do me this small courtesy and allow your server to finish greeting you in whatever fashion their establishment demands before you blurt out your drink order without so much as a hello. We understand you are thirsty, but social niceties do still apply. Just remember, spit may be tasteless but it is still ooky. You may hold the tip, but we hold the power. Evil Laugh.
Ok, I feel better.
I want a kitten.
Serious?! YAY!
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