Monday, February 13, 2006

My Thoughts on Northern Voice

Ok, so I went to my first blogging conference on Saturday. It was at the UBC Robson Campus in downtown Vancouver, and despite getting a tad lost after taking the train to the wrong stop I made it!

The first full session I attended was called "I'm Too Sexy for my Blog." about blog design. I was really excited to take this session because I hate having the same blog as about 6000 other people on Blogger. However upon completion of the session I don't think it was the right choice for me. I learned that if you don't know C++ computer code, you are pretty much relegated to the templates, or hiring a designer. In retrospect, I probably should have realized this going in, however I was hoping for some cheats on dressing up my blog, a few quick pointers on color changes, or adding your own logos. I realize now that there are no back doors when it comes to web design. I think maybe that session was better suited to those who are ready to shell out some money to create a diva-liscous blog.

I found throughout the day that it was generally assumed that you were familiar with the majority of popular blogging lingo, words such as RSS feeders, Pod-casting, and Technorati tags were tossed around the room with an ease that made me feel like I was in way over my paygrade. Thanks to Darren for taking the time to enlighten me on RSS (I'm now addicted to Bloglines - what a timesaver!) This was probably another thing that I should have taken into consideration when registering. When there are that many people there who have that much cumulative knowledge about technology, it would be asking a lot for them to keep the tech-a-nese to a conversational level. I found myself a little frustrated that I couldn't keep up with the flow of the sessions when I continually didn't understand the terms they were using. This I chalk up to inexperience in the tech. world.

I did learn some cool things about the different usage of blogs, and what type of websites attract the eye, as well as the difference between anti-corporate technology users, and those whose purpose in blogging is mainstream marketing. I didn't meet any new people, partly because I felt too shy to walk up to anyone to introduce myself, partly because nobody felt inclined to come and do the same to me. It seemed most people had come with somebody.

I'm definatly not sorry I went, it was an eye opener in terms of the possibilities concerning blogs, webcasts, audio-visual media etc., however I would probably reconsider registering again until I felt more up with the computer times.

I know this probably was very boring to most of my regular readers, however the organizers of the conference encouraged us to post our feedback on our blogs, so there you have it.

Thank you, and goodnight.


Blogger Amanda said...

Good for you for going. I prefer to spend my Saturdays unconscious.

12:25 PM  

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