Sunday, January 15, 2006

Garden State and Macs

So I watched Garden State again last night (or part of it until I fell asleep). I've never watched a movie that I identify so much and so little with at the same time. Situationally, I really have nothing in common with any of the characters, however emotionally it touches me so deeply. It's that feeling you get when you realize that there's someone out there who understands to the letter the experience that you've just been through and can identify with everything you're feeling. You're not alone. And it's not just that someone you know can empathize with you. It's a total stranger taking you through it step by step. I think that was an enlightened project for Zach Braff, as I know it touched a lot of people in a way that nobody expected. Truly indentifiable. Ok, so maybe this is a 2 AM ramble, but in any case, I love that movie!

You know what else I love? This Mac laptop that I'm typing on. It's amazing.


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