Tuesday, February 07, 2006

My Non-Valentine's Thought

So Valentines Day.

I remember Valentine's Day the year I lived in Calgary. It was a bad day for me. I had so many people that cared about me, lots going on in my life, and nothing to be generally upset about, but it wasn't enough. I was sad. I felt excluded from a club of blissfully happy-looking people, who had all the same problems and joys as I did. The thing that I did not have was the claim to being the better (or worse) half of a couple.

Thinking about it now that Derek and I are together, it doesn't make sense that I should turn my back on the sadness and frustration I felt that day simply because I have now what I lacked then.

Last year I went to Sobey's on Valentine's Day to pick up a few things for dinner that night. The isles were CRAMMED with more men than I've ever seen in the grocery store at one time. I was outnumbered, and ended up waiting in line for 10 minutes for sour cream. They were all scrambling, desperately clinging to their cozy spot in their bed, dreading the doghouse sentence if the roses weren't quite red enough, or the chocolate had the wrong filling. It just seemed like such a scramble. A hassle to keep their wives, girlfriends, FTMO's happy enough to avoid an argument.

Derek and I don't usually celebrate Valentine's day. It started with him saying "Why do I need a day to tell you that I care about you?" and progressed into us adopting a mandate that we heard on The Bear in Edmonton. A couple who were a little anti-cupid explained how they used Valentine's as a day to call each other the names that they never are allowed to call each other normally without reprocutions. Of course it's more fun to tell people that this is how we celebrate than to actually do it, but you get the idea.

This isn't a rant in as much as I don't care to start a debate on the true meaning of Valentine's Day, or whether it should or should not be celebrated. I guess I just wanted to explore the thought that this day strikes me as one that excludes a whole lot of people, and causes more pain then joy. It seems to me, that as for group of people who's life goal is to show others love, it doesn't make sense to embrace a day that excludes those who may need that love the most! If you know you have someone who loves you, day in, day out then why keep that to yourselves?

This Valentine's Day, and EVERY day for that matter, choose to share the love. Choose a Valentine who isn't your one-and-only, and shower them with Love, Love, Love.

Listen to Dave Matthews, he seems to get it. "shower them with Love, Love, Love...Love, Love is all around"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

AMEN! Being one of the many that Valentine's Day excludes, I had initially decided to paint rocks pink and throw them at couples who look like they are in love... but perhaps I'll reconsider and just hope no one reminds me what day it is. Love ya, Rach, and I can't wait to see you! 4 more days! Oh, and despite my anti-Valentine sentiments, will you still be my Valentine?
Love always, Shawn :)

6:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Rach,
I love Valentines. I look at it as a day where there is love in the air. People are open and receptive to caring, touching and loving. A sort of "celebration of God's love Day" At work we call it Random Acts of kindness week and we all do fun stuff for each other. It is also "heart" (as in the physical heart month) so we have many heart functions. I always buy heart shaped pizza. My kids get perfume and chocolates. I guess like any day - christmas, valentines, birthdays ........it is what you make of it. They are commercialized but we are in the world but not of the world and we can make everything a blessing from God.
I am single and I do try to be sensitive to my single friends who might be sad. One year I had a singles potluck, one year a movie, this year a fondue party.....God is love! I know it sounds like a clique but ..... I love you and Happy Valentines!
love shirley

9:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ps from Shirley - everyone who came to the potluck a few years ago is either married or in committed relationships (- except me - but that is by choice).

1:45 PM  
Blogger Erika said...

I almost thought you said 'Shower with them' instead of 'Shower them with' [love].

7:33 PM  

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