Thursday, October 06, 2005

Public Service Anouncement

I am not dead.

Now that I've heard your collective sigh of relief I can move on. Derek is here now, hence the lack of blogging, and I've also been working 8:30 - 5:00 with a temp agency in Langley, so by the time I drive to Burnaby - which incidentally takes me almost an hour after work, but only 25 minutes at night - and drive home, I'm too tired for internet. So that has been my story. I must say that I am SO happy to have Derek here, even though both of us are attempting to adjust to another change in routine. It's surprising how easily you can fall into not working and laying around, and hanging out with friends and visiting family can really take the place of work (quite pleasantly I might add).

Anyway, sorry for the lack of information, but Matt still holds the record, so let's do what we do best and point the finger somewhere else! And who said I've gone back to the mother ship?! I demand a name Anonymous, or at least a pseudonym to tide me over.

Ok, so I don't really know what else to tell you, except that Derek's apartment is AWESOME and I'm going to my first movie in about a month and a half tomorrow - SO excited! Also, Red Robin's may have the burger with the egg, but they suck in all other respects.

I went for a working interview at Red Robin's when I first moved here, which essentially meant that I had access to their computer system, without the accountabilty of being on their payroll (If this is raising any red flags to any of you, you're smarter than they are!) So I worked for 2 hours for them, being offered no refreshment or compensation except a job in possibly the dirtiest kitchen I've even been in (Am I ruining the egg yet?) and then I went home with a vague promise of a phone call the next day. Obviously I waited on pins and needles all though the next day and the next and the next, but when the pins got a little to uncomfortable I figured the weren't going to call me back. Four weeks later, I was still right. I had decided not to call them, I figured if this was typical of how they treated their employees, I could find somewhere who might appreciate (or at least tolerate) me a little more.

However (Are you ready for the Survivor plot twist now?)

Two days ago while I was at work, my dad got a call from the very manager that scheduled my "slave labour" interview. She said "It appears that we've hired Rachel, and I was just wondering when she might be able to come in to start?"

After I stopped twitching with disbelief (which took until this afternoon) I phoned her back and told her who I was. She informed me in a less-than-courteous tone that she had left a message with my father and had been hoping that I would have been able to come in today for orientation. What her tone said for her was that I was quite the inconvience to her smoke break and could I please just get my act together. I replied that I thought since I hadn't heard anything since my interview, which I oh-so-politely reminded her was over three weeks ago, I assumed that no one was interested in my skills. She said Ok, but was I still interested in the job? And I had to tell her no, since no one had sat down with me, I had moved on to other things (I did not add that I would have desperately loved to wait three more weeks for her call, but that her potential rejection had caused me to revert to my ways as a smack addict and that I was going to a cabin in the mountains for six months to recover, and would the job still be available when I returned?)

Ok, so I'm over re-acting, but seriously how retarded is that? Feel free to send a nasty letter to Red Robin's in Langley.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rach!!! You're back!!! I was going through some serious Rachel withdrawal-you know, the usual tremors, shivering, slight vomitting, crying, terrible headaches-it was bad, but i've made it and now it can all stop! I'm glad to hear you're doing well and give a big hello to Derek for me. And the pipe bomb is in the mail, I've got the Red Robin's thing all under control, don't you worry! I've got your back :) Love ya!

9:36 AM  
Blogger Erika said...

I'm not much for pipe bombs - do you thing picketting would work?

Good to see you back - I've missed you.

11:51 AM  
Blogger Amanda said...

Sorry, but i'm still thinking of ways to get back at that cow of a waitress from the stonehouse. Glad to here Derek made it out safely and that you're alive. Talk to you soon.

12:11 PM  
Blogger Chuck said...

I have the perfect solution. Why don't we rig up some elaborate scheme to get the "cow" to work at the Red Robin in Langley. That way we get rid of her and force her to work in a hell-hole of a job and we unleash the terrible plague of her insidiosity upon them. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant! Genious I say!

12:54 PM  

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