Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Looking Forward...and Looking Back

!!We found a place for Derek!!

The landlord called this afternoon to confirm. It's not the one that we went to go see and the lady wouldn't call me back, but it's funkier! I love it. It is a rockin little basement pad on the Burnaby side of Hastings Street. Forget what you've heard about the horrors of West Hastings....this is East Hastings, where the fun flows like Rickard's Red and the movies are abundant! I'm so excited! It's been a long haul, with some nasty places that will haunt my dreams for years to come, but after seeing six rejects and one hopeful that didn't work out, we found a home for the soon to be displaced, eldest of the Langer children, and I can't wait for him to get here!

The pictures are on flickr if you want to see them, but the girl currently living in there *forgot* to clean before we saw it so Chuck, don't let Erika look she'll have nightmares for weeks. I'm very excited to set it up with all of Derek's cool stuff. His stuff is much much cooler than mine...but really, it's all mine in the end right? Just kidding, don't tell him I said that.

So there's the looking forward. Here's the looking back.

I was looking back over some of my previous blogs and comments today. I find that reading things that encouraged me in the past, serve to encourage me in the present as well. I delved into my archives and read a few of my bad day posts, and despite being told to "suck it up princess" to the point of being emotionally scarring, there were some really amazing things written by you, my friends. It caused me to reflect a little one what I've been through and learned this past year, and while I'm sure you're all dying to hear that in great detail, that post will have to wait until I have about 5 hours to write it. But I did just want to remark at what an amazing group of friends I have. Thanks to all of you for all your support and words of encouragement, well wishing, church talk, phone calls, and general fun-good-times over the past year. Y'all know who you are and I don't think I would have made it through without you guys. I miss you a lot. All of you. Thanks.

Speaking of encouragement, still uncertain on the bloggers meeting. And despite Chucks oh-so (in)sane comment that I should go, and something else about monkeys - ? - I remain undecided. Survivor OR scary people I don't know.....Warm fuzzy reality T.V. OR conversational debates with new faces.....Sitting at home OR possibly meeting new friends.... it's so all so overwhelming, I just want to go shopping!! Fortunately this decision carries little weight except the amount of gas my car will use, and my lack of finances. I already spent my weeks allowance going out for dinner with Fred, but maybe that could be last week's allowance since it was on Sunday, and really, Sunday can go either way. I need a job.


Blogger Chuck said...

That Fred! What a cheap date (not in a good way).

Nanananana, I got three mentions in this post and no one else did (except my wife) thpbbpbpbp!

Damn I spelled thpbbpbpbp wrong!

1:23 PM  
Blogger Erika said...

I looked. ::shudder::

But it looks great, once she takes all her crap out and burns it.

Good luck finding a job - I'll pray for that for ya.


2:37 PM  
Blogger Amanda said...

Oh, was I not suppose to tell Derek about us going to look at pretty white dresses either? ;-)
Yeah Apartment! Now you have a place to sneak off to when you want some wine. Good luck with the job hunt.

2:48 PM  

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