Friday, September 02, 2005

Both Sides of the Coin

Is it possible to get writer's block for bloggers? Blogger's block? If it is I have it. There is so much new and different. In fact my whole life is different. There is NOTHING the same about it. I should have lots to say. Maybe I'm just too overwhelmed with change to be coherent. Maybe that's a good thing for you the reader. Maybe I'm just distracted by having 3-tier cable after having virtually nothing for the past two years!

Caution I'm going to be angst-y for a minute. (And Chuck if you use the "suck it up princess" shtick one more time....there will be words!) I really miss Derek. I feel like I left half of me back in Edmonton and that I'm walking around with a huge part of me missing. All of my conversations are only half full. It's strange, but such is the life of the dating couple with a dream. I'm not complaining, I'm just filling you in. I also miss Edmonton in general. I knew where at least 70% of the Wal-Marts were, where to find a Tim's no matter where in the city I happened to be, and there was always a Starbucks within a 5 block radius (Now it's actually a 2 block radius, but that doesn't help much when you don't know where you are.) I miss being able to walk into Cafe Dabar to wax philosophy with Matt and Chuck and find Erika reading _ _ _ -fiction *ahem* literary journals, online. I miss catching up on all the news with Amanda, and poker with Andrew and Kristen.

I suppose I miss most of these things in theory, since it hasn't been that long since any of them happened last, but I find the idea that I can't do them anytime I get the urge to very upsetting. Much more so than being able to do them and just not having the time.

On the lighter side....

1.) The weather has been great here. Not too hot, not cold or rainy.
2.) The trees don't have any yellow leaves yet.
3.) I will most likely go visit the ocean on the weekend. Perhaps I'll take my journal and let the sea salt inspire some sappy peice of poetry that will hopefully win me first prize in the "We Don't Actually Understand Any of This" magazine.
4.) I went to see both sets of grandparents today. I helped my mom's mom - Grandma G. - buy groceries and go to her eye appointment and she took me and my mom out for lunch. Then I had supper with my other grandparents who live about 10 blocks away from Grandma G. And I knew that this wasn't the last time I was going to see them for another 6 months.
5.) I have cable TV and internet in my bedroom, at my disposal, a long distance plan to talk to Derek anytime day or night, and meals being cooked for me and company to eat them with.
6.) I know this is a temporary thing, staying with my mom and dad, but after an incredibly tough year, it's REALLY REALLY nice to have family wanting to help you and care for you, and I'm so grateful to them for their support.

There is my positivity for today. I have to write both sides because I'm truly in conflict on the inside right now about how I feel about all this change. So there you have it, the good and the bad. That's life.

And for the LOVE! Would somebody please send me the contact information for the house? Address and phone number? Thanks :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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11:15 PM  
Blogger Chuck said...

Wow, that was a lot of writing for someone with blogger's block!

The phone for The House is not yet hooked up (the 11th) and I can't remember the number, but I will get it to you. the address is 10146-71st and I can't remember the postal code. Oh the joys of moving and trying to rememorize your info!

8:42 AM  
Blogger Rach said...

The postal code is T6A 2V5. Yay! Oh the joys of

But seriously I know how you feel!
Thanks Chuck.

11:32 AM  

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