Monday, May 01, 2006

SO in Edmonton!!!

Derek and I rolled into our hometown around 10 PM last night, and he graciously consented to take the long route through the city to Beaumont so I could re-associate myself with everything I had been missing for the 8 long months that I've been away.

It was almost uncanny how much it felt like a homecoming to me. This coming from the person who has moved 5 times in 5 years and really has no claim to "home" anymore. I have learned to try and make myself at home wherever I am for the time being. I realized how much I identify with Alberta, and although we've been building a great beginning of a life in BC, I am definately an Albertan at heart!!

Today we went to DADEO!!!!!!!!! That Po' Boy sandwich was as filling to my soul as it was to my stomach - I missed Dadeo's so much! I asked Derek if we could live there, but we decided that the commute might be a bit rough, at least until we buy our jet! That restaraunt is "our spot". Many important conversations have taken place there. Then we stopped in at Dabar to say hello to a few friendly faces, and mostly just lounged around the house in the afternoon. It was GREAT.

But seriously, what are you doing reading this? The Oiler's are playing!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome home! I would love to see you.

6:12 PM  

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