Friday, February 25, 2005

Another Friday

Ok, it's Friday and I have 4 minutes to kill before I can punch the clock and get the heckoutadodge so this will be short and sweet. I would just like to remind everyone (meaning the two people that read this) that my birthday is a week from today exactly, ahhh sweet 22, how I shall love thee, let me count the ways!

I am looking forward to some serious maxing and relaxing this weekend! (Also some serious dish-doing and tidying) Maybe I will even get a movie or six in there somewhere!

Ok 4 mintues are up (I know, slow typer) YAY! Happy Weekend.

Friday, February 18, 2005


Whew! Ok, so today feels like the longest day ever (right up there with yesterday anyway) I don't know what happened, the first part of the week felt really short, but now.... YUCK. Maybe it's because it's a long weekend for me this weekend (Out of all of Canada, Alberta is the only province that gets this holiday!) and I am going to Calgary with Lisa tonight to visit Ashley and my brother and Heather! V. Exciting, but it always makes Friday go so SLOW. So I have been working with the company I am with for 3 months as for today, and it's looking like they might hire me on from the temp agency so I'd actually be on salary!! It's been a long time since that happened!!!
Today is also D and my 7 month anniversary! YAY. Not that we are making a big deal of it or anything, we went out for a nice dinner for our 6 month and we will do something at a year, but 7 months is just a ncie day along the road.
So there have been some problems at my church, the Sol Cafe. Since our pastor resigned we have all reacted to the change in various ways that don't always jive together. It just feels like there is drama everytime you come home, and Sol Cafe is home. It's scary.
Also, D's grandpa has been diagnosed with an in-operable brain tumor that is growing at an alarming rate, and they are not expecting him to be around too much longer. It's so sad, because I've gotten to know him and he is such a unique person, it hurts to see him struggling with his memory and lapsing into agressive behavior, it's so not becomming of him.
So there are the hurts in my life, but as always, I am surviving (especially since SURVIVOR started last night!) YAY for aiding the addiction! And D and I are growing closer to each other, and to God through the drama.
This weekend will be AWESOME to get away from it all, and spend some time being selfish and thinking about myself! Really, I like to be a selfish person from time to time, and focus on me - who doesn't right?
Well, you finally got a real update. I was dreading writing it because I would rather avoid talking about some of this stuff, but once it's out, it is definately a release!!
Ok, Happy family day to me, and haha to everyone else who doesn't get a holiday - suckers! LOL Feel the love.
Peace out.