One more day until....
my BIRTHDAY! March 4 Baby - 22 with no prospects or direction!!! I'm am very excited! I'm always excited. Derek and I will be going out for dinner - of course - since my family doesn't live here anymore. I already went for dinner with my Aunt on Monday and she and my uncle ended up buying me - A LEATHER COAT! I know... who does that? that's AWESOME!! Well anyways, it's very nice (profuse apologies to any aminal activists that I might be offending) And today I am going out for lunch with a friend from work, and on Saturday I am having a PARTY! A full fledged party! It's on whyte ave, which is like party central in Edmonton. I am a little nervous because I am mixing a lot of groups of friends...but we're all adults right? Anyways, it should be fun!
In other new.... I don't want to talk about anything else because it's depressing, my life has been flipped around lately, but I am surviving *Cake's version of I Will Survive begins playing in the background.* Ok, That's all for now!
Happy March everyone! Cheers
In other new.... I don't want to talk about anything else because it's depressing, my life has been flipped around lately, but I am surviving *Cake's version of I Will Survive begins playing in the background.* Ok, That's all for now!
Happy March everyone! Cheers