Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Writing - 97% Discipline, 3% Talent?

I'd like to think that I have the three percent talent, but I'm uncertain whether I have the discipline of late. I want to write 5 pages per day....of course time is an issue, but mostly I just don't force myself to sit down and actually bang out 5 pages. My script, therefore is progressing oh-so-slowly.

If anyone has discipline and/or motivation tips, please impart your wisdom, I beg you!
First person to give me the best input on the following gets a bright shiny e-smile:

*What are your best procrastination rememdies (blogging is CLEARLY not mine!)

*What do you do when you hate everything you write in a day?

*What is the best way to force yourself to keep going when you are ready to turn on Scrubs for the night?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not much of a writer, but if it's anything like song-writing or musical compositionship your best ideas will probably just come to you seemingly out of thin air, and at the most inopportune times. My best moments of musical creativity are unplanned and unscripted; rarely do I create something that I would term excellent by forcing myself to play for x amount of minutes every day, though sometimes creative moments do happen in 'ordinary times'.

One quick example: A friend of mine will often be jotting down lyrics to his next big radio hit single (in his mind of course...) at his desk in the middle of the work day. He usually gets very excitable and tells me that he just had a moment of inspiration which he couldn't pass up - to which he adds "so work can just give me the 5 minutes it took to jot this down"!

Just my 2 cents... :-)

6:38 AM  
Blogger Amanda said...

I think you and I need to fight it out as queen of writing procrastination. It's odd how you can completely love and hate something at the same time.
My procrastination remedy is to start as soon as I get home/wake up (after coffee of course) because I find I say things like "OK I'll start writing at 7 because I need to watch some TV to unwind from work first". And then the TV is on for most of the evening.
Writers also tend to be their own worst critics, so maybe find someone else to review everything you've written that's "bad". If I didn't irritate you with constant emails, I'd rewrite the same two pages over and over again.

Good Luck!

7:49 AM  
Blogger Erika said...

No really good ideas for you - I just have to force myself to do that sort of thing.

For me, I'm most productive when the rest of my life is also in order and I'm sort of in that productive mindset. If I'm going to bed on time and getting up on time and eating well and praying and what not, everything else seems to fall into place.

I know that's not terribly helpful, but it's all I got. :-P

11:54 AM  

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